Award winning Zenergy Health Club in Sun Valley, ID has completed a racquetball court conversion into its stunning new Pivot functional training studio!
Project: Pivot Functional Movement Studio
Size: 900sqft
Location: Sun Valley, ID
“This space use to be a squash court that was unfortunately not getting the play it used to get in the old days. How do we maximize every foot of this 900sqft for multiple programming options? It started with hiring the Fitness Design Group, these guys had amazing ideas on how we can achieve this goal and it came together well beyond our expectations.”
-Derek Agnew | General Manager, Zenergy
“The recent addition of the Pivot Studio has meant wonders to me as Physical Therapist, I can now take care of the most vulnerable post-operative patients and I can also include programming that challenges even the most elite athlete.”
-Kyle Sela | Physical Therapist, Zenergy