Embracing the Disruption

Embracing the Disruption

The June 15 FIBO USA Focus edition features Aktiv CEO and Founder Bryan Green, on evolving the Ecosystem to offer extraordinary exercise experiences for now, and the future.  Functional Occupancy is at the core of finding the formula for  ‘the gym of the future’ and...
Hygiene Protocol – We Are Here to Help

Hygiene Protocol – We Are Here to Help

As you invite members back into your fitness facility, clearly Hygiene Protocol is your top priority. WE HAVE QUICK TIPS TO ASSIST.  Cleaning of Air: The conversations around best practices and products to effect the cleaning of surfaces are abundant, but we must...
COVID-19 Gym Design & Planning Initiative

COVID-19 Gym Design & Planning Initiative

As shut-downs are lifted, expectations and demands on all fitness facilities are shifting greatly. We cannot simply turn on the lights and let people back in. Operators of all types are working now to design an effective plan to manage hygiene, new social distancing...
Priority One: Providing a Safe Fitness Environment for Members

Priority One: Providing a Safe Fitness Environment for Members

Yesterday, today and everyday going forward, the health and safety of your members will always remain your number one priority. With the world on high alert given the emergence of the Coronavirus, now is a fantastic opportunity to educate and demonstrate best...
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