New Educational Alliances Power Aktiv Ecosystems

New Educational Alliances Power Aktiv Ecosystems

As facilities choose the desired training methodologies to be performed within the functional training space, Aktiv will curate a comprehensive education program designed to support the operational model. The integration of planned programming allows clients to fully activate the functional training environment, maximizing the inherent member engagement and revenue-generating potential it presents.

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IHRSA 2017 | Aktiv Solutions Featured Appearances

Visit us throughout the show at Booth #2437 to hear from some of the industry’s most relevant Functional Training experts including: Rick Mayo, Founder of Alloy® Team Training; David Weck, Founder of Weck Method; and American Ninja Warriors All-Stars to name a few.

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Aktiv Pushes Health Clubs Into The Future

Aktiv Pushes Health Clubs Into The Future

Aktiv Solutions, the industry leader in functional fitness facility design and supply, today unveiled its pioneering Aktiv Virtual guided-training platform. Aktiv Virtual represents the first AI (artificial intelligence) personal trainer for the commercial fitness industry and will provide club members with the guidance, education and motivation of a personal training experience.

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The Importance of Design for Movement Based Training Spaces

The Importance of Design for Movement Based Training Spaces

Movement based training spaces have drastically altered the landscape of the fitness industry. From the unprecedented growth of boutique studios, to big box club chains seeking to replicate that “Experience” within their respective facilities, and everywhere in between — owners and operators are devoting tremendous resources to create fun, profitable, and sustainable training experiences. Unfortunately, many are incorporating a basic strategy of “build it, and they will come,” without sufficient thought and planning to ensuring that ALL “needs or desires are being met.”

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Functional Fitness Requires Functional Design

Functional Fitness Requires Functional Design

To develop truly functional commercial exercise space, both the end-user and the facility operator’s objectives need be considered throughout the design process. It takes strong planning to clarify the objectives of both audiences sufficiently. The process of initiating an effective functional design plan begins with the goal of the project: a clear direction as to what it is to be accomplished and why.

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Aktiv Solutions Expands Offering With Training Innovations From Revvll PRO and Cormax Fitness

SANTA MONICA, CA (July 11, 2016) – Aktiv Solutions, leaders in functional design and supply for the commercial fitness industry, today announced it has been named as Master Distributor for the revvll PRO and CorMax Training brands throughout the United States and Canada. The company will officially debut the latest products from both brands at this week’s IDEA World Convention and Trade Show in Los Angeles, CA.

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Aktiv Solutions Views Training From an Operator’s Point of View

Aktiv Solutions Views Training From an Operator’s Point of View

When equipping your space, you’re doing so from an operator’s point of view. Wouldn’t it be great if you could find an equipment partner that had that vantage point, as well? Here, Harut Tovmasyan, the co-founder and CEO of EPX Elite Performance, explains how Aktiv Solutions knew exactly what the gym needed when equipping for functional spaces

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Featured Gym Design | D & I Fitness

D&I Fitness is more than just a gym, they believe fitness is a way of life. Drawing inspiration from the owner’s Muy Thai fighting experience, D&I Fitness offers functional fitness programming that cultivates a social fitness community for all ages.

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Big Equipment Releases at IHRSA by Club Solutions

The new products that made a splash at IHRSA 2016.

TRX and Aktiv Solutions, leading experts in facility design and dynamic training solutions, unveiled the TRX Training Zone. Developed in collaboration, TRX Training Zones are a highly customizable, modular system that delivers a robust functional training experience.

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