Campus Recreation: Designing to Motivate

Campus Recreation: Designing to Motivate

It’s more important than ever before for campus recreation fitness facility design to appeal to trends in the industry, and of course the students they are meant to serve. Recent studies show that just 40% to 50% of college students are physically inactive. More...
Designing the Idyllic Home Gym

Designing the Idyllic Home Gym

Whether it be supplemental to your gym routine, or your full-time training space, investing more deeply in a home gym may be something you want to consider for 2023. A carefully designed home gym with the right gym equipment offers a myriad of benefits including...
New Year Planning: Gym Design Refresh

New Year Planning: Gym Design Refresh

Photo By Evolve South Bay  As we head into the New Year, clubs and fitness amenities will experience ‘fitness season’ when new or reinvigorated members and guests start their New Year resolutions. You will likely see some fresh new faces and members with new fitness...
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